Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu  May the entire universe be filled with peace & joy, love & light.  JOIN THE SANGHA

Pay What You Can

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  • Buy a single class.
  • Buy a class pass.
  • Bring cash with you.
  • Purchase a video only membership.
  • Purchase a monthly membership.

Commit to yourself and to pranapiloga so we can continue sharing the wonderful modalities of yoga and wellness.

Passes & Monthly Membership


At pranapiloga, we support your wellness from a whole person perspective. Your mind, body and soul will be lovingly pampered and nourished.

Integrated Wellness Sessions – Reiki, Thai Bodywork, The Eight Limbs of Yoga    

Integrated Wellness Sessions are on a massage table, 75 mins, done fully clothed. Donate what you can.

Contact Rebecca directly at pranapiloga@gmail.com or (571) 233.9187 to book.