Welcome to pranapiloga

Check our schedule for the latest offerings.

Graduated! Thanks for your patience during my break Nov/Dec to finish school. It’s January now and I am recovering. Class offerings coming soon. Integrated Wellness Session available. 

We have Classes, Workshops, Private Yoga, and Integrated Wellness sessions available.

Thank you so much for your support, Rebecca 

Pay What You Can

1) Select free ticket at checkout.

2) Buy a single class.

3) Buy a class pass.

4) Bring cash.

5) Buy a monthly membership.

Wellness Sessions

pranapiloga is pleased to offer holistic healing modalities. We have created a nurturing environment, allowing you to fully enjoy your experience, to manifest your well-being and support your functional wellness.

Private Yoga and Integrated Wellness Session

By appointment only. Call or text Rebecca (571) 233.9187 to schedule.





I love yoga. I am qualified, caring and supportive of your yoga journey. This is a judgement free commUNITY of wonderful students that recognize and celebrate your uniqueness. We embrace you. 



At pranapiloga, I support your wellness from a whole person perspective. Your mind, body and soul will be lovingly pampered and nourished.

  • Private Yoga
  • Integrated Wellness Sessions (The Eight Limbs of Yoga, Reiki, and Thai Yoga Bodywork)
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama


pranapiloga happenings